Luemas Lights are using repurposed Milkers to make their products. They wanted the logo to represent the origin of the main component (glass) for the lights.
Luemas Lights is running it's business on Instagram, Facebook and in local furniture markets. The prices for their lights goes between £70-£250 and their target customers has the desire for unique, limited edition products.
Fullwood Milker
Fullwood Milker
Fullwood Receiver
Fullwood Receiver
Fullwood Receiver detail
Fullwood Receiver detail
Fullwood Receiver
Fullwood Receiver
Fullwood Receiver
Fullwood Receiver
Alfa-Laval Milker
Alfa-Laval Milker
Receiver detail
Receiver detail
Receiver detail
Receiver detail
A few examples of product photos.
The font was designed after the owner's hand writing. For the logo I've traced and simplified the cow's head. Used floral curves for the eyes to give feminin feel to the design.
These are flyers to promote Luemas Lights in markets
My latest work for them is a small brochure to help people to understand the value of the lights and its history. Feel free to download it even if you don't have an iPhone. It's an interactive .pdf format.
Thanks for reading :)

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